Investing in your dogs training is investing in your relationship with your dog!

Investing in your dogs training is all about expanding your knowledge! Whether this is working with a trainer or doing your own research there is always something you can learn to help improve your relationship with your dog, your dogs life, and your life with your dog!

Training your dog doesn’t refer to just a specific session time set aside strictly to work 1:1 full focus on your dog. Our dogs are ALWAYS learning!

- Cooking dinner? Whether your pup is standing at your feet staring at the food and drooling, or whether they are on their bed doing their own thing, you might not notice them there but they are learning in that moment what to do while you’re cooking dinner and what are appropriate actions for that event.

-Sitting in front of the TV relaxing? Is your pup enriching themselves by playing alone with a toy, are they working in a stuffed toy or lick mat you gave them, Are they sitting in front of you and staring/barking at you or are they counter surfing?

Your dog is learning what is appropriate actions and what to do all throughout the day whether you are paying attention or not! ! Here at FSJ Paws On Dog Training we are invested in making your lives with your pups as harmonious as possible in a fun and exciting way for the dog!

The Paws Behind The Logo

The Meaning Behind Our Logo

The two dogs displayed on the logo are both Madison & Melissa’s Nova’s. You heard it correct both dogs are named Nova. These dogs were named years before Madison and Melissa ever crossed path. The only reason they even met was due to The Nova’s. What started out as group walks quickly turned into discussions around dog training that never ended! Before we knew it a dream became a reality and FSJ Paws On Dog Training was born. Both Nova’s are defiantly Madison and Melissa’s soul dogs and have been through lots of life changing events with both trainers whether that was through training struggles or life struggles. Madison and Melissa both know they had one thing that never changed, their beloved furry companions. Our logo is very important to our core beliefs around dog training and building a connection with your dog.

Let’s work together

Interested in booking an evaluation or just have some questions? We would love to hear from you!